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Our Sustainability Policy

As Cappari Hotels, we take responsibility for waste management, use of natural resources, informing employees on health, safety and child protection issues and recognizing equal rights and respecting human rights in this path we set out to minimize the impact of tourism on our environment. We believe that our efforts to integrate with our communities and take part in solving social problems will contribute to ensuring sustainability in tourism.

We believe that the economical use of natural resources and the effective management of these resources are crucial for ensuring the sustainability of tourism. With our environmental practices, we aim to be an exemplary business in the hotel sector in the Kaş region of the Mediterranean.

Our goal is to benefit the communities we serve through high quality services, economic growth, environmental protection, social inclusion and, of course, employment, while complying with all applicable environmental laws, statutes and regulations. We will set our environmental goals and objectives, continuously improve our environmental performance and minimize the environmental impact of our activities. We will raise environmental awareness among our employees, guests, suppliers and the community at large.

General Manager
Hüseyin Burak Çorumluoğlu


Cappari Hotels Logo

About the Report

As Cappari Hotels, in this sustainability report, we aimed to share with you, our environmental and social activities and our future goals in these areas.

The report includes data between 01.05.2022-30.08.2023.

We aim to continuously improve our sustainability-related activities with the opinions and suggestions of you, our valued stakeholders, and therefore the contact information for any feedback is provided below.

Contact Person : Ayşe Beköz
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone : 0530 400 97 55
Address : Andifli Mah Hükümet Cad No 63 Kas Antalya

Message from Cappari Hotels General Manager

Cappari Hotels brand was established on 28.03.2013 in Kaş district of Antalya. Our first hotel, Aqua Princess Hotel in Kas, was opened on November 1, 1996 in Andifli Mah Hükümet Cad No 63 Kas Antalya with 43 rooms, 39 rooms and 80 beds.

Aiming to grow in the field of tourism, our company brought Aquarius Hotel with a capacity of 38 rooms and 64 beds to tourism in Kaş Peninsula region on 01.04.2005. The number of personnel working at the company is close to 60 employees.

Today, it continues to offer services that aim to provide and exceed the highest level of guest satisfaction in its facilities that host guests from various parts of Turkey and the world.

The mission of Cappari Hotels is to add value to our stakeholders and become a leader in tourism by applying sustainable tourism principles with the participation of all our employees. We will continue to serve as honest, hardworking and reliable with our open, transparent management style and professionalism principles.

General Manager
Hüseyin Burak Çorumluoğlu

Cappari Hotels Vision

To be a leader in tourism by adding value to our stakeholders by applying sustainable tourism principles with the participation of all our employees.

Cappari Hotels Mission

To provide services that will make guests feel special by respecting environmental and social values, by continuously improving and following innovations.

Values of Cappari Hotels

  • Openness and Transparency
  • Professionalism
  • Reliability
  • Justice
  • Productivity
  • Teamwork
  • Love and Respect
  • Environmental Awareness

Road Map
Our Approach to Sustainability

We respect the environment and the Earth in order to be respected… Cappari Hotels aims to control the amount of water, electricity, energy, chemicals, solid waste and minimize the damage to the environment and natural resources without compromising the comfort of its guests.

With the measures we have taken in the light of sustainable tourism principles, the use of natural resources has been reduced, and practices have been updated to minimize and, if possible, eliminate the damages to soil, water and air. We will continue to carry out our activities to provide social benefit and add value to our stakeholders.

Our Goals

  • Improving communication with stakeholders: Developing methods to share our sustainability efforts more effectively with stakeholders.
  • Optimization in Data Collection processes: Reviewing the resources used in data collection and conducting studies to create our targets in a way to achieve more effective results.
  • Compliance with international standards
  • Occupational Health and Safety: To ensure that our employees and subcontractors do not have occupational accidents by providing all the conditions related to occupational safety and work in an appropriate manner.

Sustainable Management Practices

Compliance with the Law:

Our facility operates in compliance with National and International laws. Our facility received the Safe Tourism Certificate in 2020.

Corporate Governance:

Our facility provides corporate governance principles as open, transparent, professional, reliable and fair with sustainability principles.

Supply Chain

Cappari Hotel prefers to work with local suppliers in order to support employment growth in the region.

Sustainability in Procurement

  1. Our businesses purchase locally made manufactured goods instead of imported products, except in non-essential cases.
  2. Local companies are preferred over multinational companies when procuring services where this is not mandatory.
  3. First of all, the alternatives of the machinery and equipment purchased to our business are researched and preferred with A class and/or low energy consuming features.
  4. When choosing the products to be purchased,
  • Made from recycled products or recyclable.
  • Sustainably produced/sourced from sustainable sources.
  • Delivered with less packaging
  • Energy and water saving
  • Care is taken to ensure that it complies with environmentally sustainable criteria.

Our Working Life

All employees are provided with on-the-job orientation training to ensure their adaptation to the job, and annual training plans are made and trainings on the functioning and functions of the departments they work in continue to be provided by our managers or outsourced.

Equal opportunities are offered in recruitment and there is no discrimination based on religion, language or race. Our employee numbers for 2022-2023 are below.

In 2022, the number of female employees will be 8, while this number will be 7 in 2023. The reason for the decrease in the number of female employees is the traffic accident and illness of our personnel.2022 While the number of male employees in 2023 was 13, the number of male employees in 2023 will be 11.

Number of Employees Graph

Facilities Offered to Our Personnel

LAUNDRY USE The work uniforms of all our employees are cleaned free of charge.
LODGING SERVICE: Free lodging accommodation service is provided for our staff who need lodging.
STAFF CAFETERIA The cafeteria is free of charge for our staff.
STAFF NIGHT Every year at the end of the season, a holiday is organized for the staff and the whole staff goes on holiday to increase their motivation.
STAFF BARBECUE At the beginning of the season, a barbecue party is organized for all staff to motivate them.

Communication with our Stakeholders

As Cappari Hotel, we aim to develop and improve our sustainability efforts by sharing them with our stakeholders and we carry out our efforts to ensure sustainable development by ensuring the participation of our stakeholders.

Our Environmental Approach

Recycling and Renewable Energy

-Recyclable materials are separated in our facility.
-Recyclable paper is used in our facility.
-In order to reduce water consumption and wastewater, we have limited the change period of hotel bed linen, towels and sheets to 3 days.
-During the years 2022-2023, hazardous wastes were prevented from entering the nature and delivered to the municipality. In order not to pollute the water, completely organic solid hand soaps are used in the rooms and all other common areas. To reduce the carbon footprint and prevent air pollution, we have reduced the use of hotel cars by limiting purchase requests to two days a week.
-A system is used to cut off the electrical energy after our guests leave the room.
-Compact Fluorescent bulbs and LED lighting are preferred in 75% of our lighting systems
-The mini bars in the guest rooms are positioned away from direct sunlight to prevent heating
-Time clocks are used in outdoor lighting.
-Lighting times are adjusted according to summer and winter hours.
-Electricity consumption is reduced thanks to frequency inverters in heating system pumps, booster pumps and air conditioners.
-Cappari Hotels Aqua Princess has solar panels and some of the hot water needs are provided from these panels. In this way, electricity consumption is saved in our hotel.

Aqua Princess 2022-2023 waste tracking table;

Aquaprincess 2022 - 2023 Waste Tracking Table

Aquarius Hotel waste tracking table for 2022-2023;

Aquarius 2022 - 2023 Waste Tracking Table

Resource Consumption

2022-2023 Aqua Princess Hotel Electricity consumption table;

Aquaprincess Hotel 2022-2023 Electricity Consumption Chart

Aquarius Hotel electricity consumption table for the years 2022-2023;

Aquarius Hotel 2022-2023 Electricity Consumption Graph

Compact fluorescent bulbs and LED lighting are preferred in 95% of our lighting systems.
– Double glazing is preferred for thermal insulation in the windows used in the rooms and general areas.
– The mini bars in the guest rooms are positioned away from direct sunlight to prevent heating. Time clocks are used in outdoor lighting. Lighting times are adjusted according to summer and winter hours.
– Electricity consumption is reduced thanks to frequency inverters in the heating system pumps, booster pumps and main air handling units.
Cappari Hotel has solar panels and some of the hot water needs are provided by these panels. In this way, our hotel consumes 80% of electricity.

Aqua Princess Hotel water consumption table for 2022-2023;

Aquaprincess Hotel 2022-2023 Water Consumption Chart

Aquarius Hotel water consumption table;

Aquarius Hotel 2022-2023 Water Consumption Graph

Towel changes in the rooms are carried out in line with guest requests and guests are informed about this issue. If the guest does not request it, it is changed every two days.
-The mini bars in the guest rooms are positioned away from direct sunlight to prevent heating.
– Low flow (5lt/min) special faucets were preferred for room bathroom sinks. All faucets are with aerator.
– Special shower heads with low flow rate (10 lt/min) were preferred for room showers.
– Toilet cisterns are set to consume 6 liters to save water.

-We provide continuous training to our personnel to ensure that chemicals are used in sufficient quantities to ensure general hygiene in our facility.
-Frequent inspections are carried out to ensure that the chemicals we use are applied in appropriate quantities.

Electricity Consumption Analysis Commentary

When 2023 is analyzed by months compared to 2022, our consumption unit amount per overnight stay decreased.

Water Consumption Analysis Commentary

Compared to 2022, water consumption shows a regular decrease periodically in both of our hotels.

Chemical Consumption Analysis Commentary

In 2023, the amount of chemical use by month has mostly progressed in similar ranges.

Social Activities

Our hotel will host an event in cooperation with Koton, one of the well-known clothing brands, for the ‘PLASTIC-FREE KAS’ project funded by the United Nations. Press members, NGOs, social media content producers will take part in this event. World free diving record holder Şahika Ercümen will support by diving on live broadcast.

Unused sunbed cushions, towels and sheets are sent to animal shelters.